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How To Uninstall Apps On Mac Os X Yosemite

How to Uninstall Apps on Mac: Uninstalling apps on Mac OS X software is perhaps the simplest way to delete devices from any operating system, so it’s much simpler on a Mac than what you’ll find with Windows.

It’s so straightforward that several novice Mac owners are left asking what else they’re going to do, I’ve had some family tech support queries that they’re trying to locate a control panel like Windows “Uninstall Programs”–that isn’t the case on a Mac, it’s very easy.

  1. Dec 06, 2019 Click next to the app that you want to delete, then click Delete to confirm. The app is deleted immediately. Apps that don't show either didn't come from the App Store or are required by your Mac. To delete an app that didn't come from the App Store, use the Finder instead.
  2. May 17, 2019 Open System Preferences. Go to Users & Groups. Choose your nickname on the left. Choose Login items tab. Check startup programs you want to remove. Press the “–” sign below. If you need to add an item back, press “+” and choose the app you’d like add. Then restart your Mac to see the changes.

How to Uninstall Apps on Mac

Reinstall OS X Yosemite. The Mac maintenance and security app called Combo Cleaner is a one-stop tool to detect and remove OS X El Capitan virus. This technique has substantial benefits over manual cleanup, because the utility gets hourly virus definition updates and can accurately spot even the newest Mac infections.

Table of Contents

We must first discuss the standard approach of merely removing the document. Then we’re going to show you the latest path to current Mac OS models, like OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Dragon, Mountain Lion, and beyond:

How to Uninstall Applications in Mac OS X the Classic Way:

It is the exact traditional way of uninstalling a mobile device that’s been running since the Apple dawn. All you need to do is pick and uninstall the Finder code, like this: Go to the OS X Finder if you haven’t already done so.

  1. Navigate to the folder /Applications, then pick the code you want to delete.
  2. Just move the program icon to the garbage, or right-click the “Push to Garbage” option.
  3. Deinstall a Mac program by inserting Trash into it.
  4. Select the correct mouse button and pick “Empty Waste.”
  5. Uninstalling and removing a program on Mac OS X by transferring it to the Garbage.

If you choose keystrokes, only pick the device button, then press Command + Delete to pass the device to Trash, then clean the Trash then delete the program.

That process of uninstalling software operates practically in all iterations of Mac OS X, including recent updates such as OS X El Capitan (10.11.x) even Snow Leopard as well, moving back to the early updates of Mac OS. So, let’s step ahead and on to Lion, which allows uninstalling applications from the Mac App Store as easy as doing the same thing on the iPhone.


Uninstalling Apps from the Mac App Store through Launchpad:

Given the still extremely quick task of uninstalling the device on a Pc, Lion and Mountain Lion onward makes the iOS approach much simpler. This works on apps built via the Mac App Store, but not for apps built manually by third-party developers.

  1. Enable LaunchPad.
  2. Click the device icon you want to delete, then leave it.
  3. Click on the black (X) button that should display as the device button begins to jiggle.
  4. To ensure the elimination of the device, click on “Delete”.
  5. Uninstall an App on iOS.

You may still use the Drag-to-Trash process in Mac OS X, except for applications built from the App Store LaunchPad is fastest.

Use LaunchPad in Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.7, 10.8, and later doesn’t allow you to clear the Trash afterward. Everyone who has used an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will be comfortable with this, as the design and the tap-and-hold process are similar to what is in iOS.

Read More:


This is yet another explanation of why updating to Lion is important, rendering the Mac experience much easier yet maintaining all the strength and ability behind Mac OS X.

Mac OS X is, without a doubt, a great operating system. However, it seems to be a bit complicated for new users to understand in the beginning. Regular tasks such as uninstalling an application are also prone to complications. In this article, we will show you various methods for removing apps on a Mac. You can also delete the built-in apps from the system with the help of other software. On the other hand, you can get rid of regular apps by following a simple set of steps.

Uninstall On Mac

Unlike Windows, OS X lacks a dedicated app uninstaller. We think Apple needs to take a cue from Microsoft on this at least. A dedicated app removal function could save us all a lot of time. Having said that, there are still a lot of simpler ways to get rid of unwanted apps on OS X and we have listed them all.

One of the simplest ways is through the applications window, while the other methods include Launchpad and third-party applications like AppCleaner.

How To Uninstall Apps On Mac Os X Yosemite High Sierra

Removing Mac Apps natively

The easiest way to get rig of Mac apps is through the Application menu. Here is the step by step guide:

How To Uninstall Apps On Mac Os X Yosemite
  1. Go to Finder
  2. Click on the “Applications” option on the left menu
  3. Select the particular app that you want to delete
  4. Drag it to “Trash” or Select it and press ⌘+Delete on your keyboard
  5. Enter your Mac password to complete the process (if prompted)
  6. Go to Trash and Click “Empty” option in the top right corner for permanent removal

Or You can perform the same task by opening the Launchpad. Here is how you can do that:

  1. Go to Launchpad (usually on the F4 key)
  2. Drag and Drop the app to the Trash
  3. Select “Delete” when the program prompts – Are you sure you want to delete this app?
  4. Go to Trash and Click “Erase” option in the top right corner for permanent removal

The steps above are the easiest ones that you can follow to remove any app from Mac OS X. However, these actions do not assure complete removal of the app as most of the apps tend to leave cache files on the system. For total elimination of the app along with its junk files (associated files and folders), you need to delete it through third-party programs like AppCleaner.

Uninstalling Mac Apps Using Extra Tools (for Junk Files/Cache)

One of the most unsettling issues on OS X is that when uninstalling apps, a lot of unwanted files get left behind. For finishing the unfinished business of junk file, we need to welcome the third-party apps like AppCleaner into the scene.

How to permanently remove Max applications using AppCleaner

  1. Download “AppCleaner” by freemacsoft – download it directly (not the one from the App Store)
  2. Open the AppCleaner and click on confirm to grant access to the app
  3. Now open AppCleaner and select the app that you want to delete from the list on the left side
  4. Select all the boxes that appear on the right side
  5. Click on Remove Files

If you do not want to use third-party apps to remove Cache from your Mac, you can also use the “Library” function. This feature is available in Finder. Here is how you can use it:

  1. Open Finder
  2. Hold Alt/Option key on your keyboard
  3. Keep holding Option key and click on “Go” option on the address bar
  4. Click on “Library” option
  5. Select “Cache” folder
  6. Delete the folder of the app that is no longer in use

Uninstalling Apps Like Flash, MacKeeper

There are many apps on our Mac that we want to delete but cannot remove due to system-imposed limitations. Thankfully, there is always a back door that you can use to achieve your goal. One of the usual suspects that we can always pick for security holes is Java. Removing Java will not affect your system in any manner. Even if it does for a particular app, then you can always install it again.

Uninstall Java from OS X

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac (Press⌘+space and type Terminal)
  2. Now copy-paste this command (below) to remove Java and hit enter
  3. Enter your password to approve the action by pressing enter after you’re finished (sometimes nothing will happen when you start typing your password. Don’t worry, it’s still working)

Uninstall Flash Player on a Mac

Apps like Adobe Flash Player need special assistance to be removed from a Mac. Go to this link and install Flash Player Uninstaller for your OS X version. To know what version your Mac is running – Click on the Apple icon in the top-left corner of your screen and select “About this Mac” It will show the version name and number of the Operating System. Install the “Flash Player uninstaller” accordingly.

  1. Open the Uninstaller
  2. Click on “Uninstall” to begin the process
  3. Go to Terminal and paste these commands (below) for total clean-up

Removing Third-party apps like MacKeeper and Microsoft Office

To delete MacKeeper application, go this link and get done with your requisite. Similarly, for removing Microsoft Office – head to this link.

Deleting Mac Optimizer

  1. Open Mac Optimizer on your Mac
  2. Click on the Help menu in the top left corner and select “Uninstall” from the list of options
  3. Select Uninstall option in the prompt window to complete the task


We hope these methods help you in getting rid of unwanted apps on OS X. Let us know your views through the comment section below.